I say lukewarm since i have not really done anything about it besides form opinions in my head.
Now i have however decided to air them out and review them by putting them in writing.
First i decided to write down the concepts. as many as i could think of.
When i did this i noticed what maybe should have been obvious; many of them interlink.
This complicated things since i had planned to examine a single concept per post.
I will make a try of it and see what happens however.
i will start today by listing the concepts i have thought of (this may be edited later as/if more concepts show up).
Single player
- Storydriven
- Affectable story
- Respeccing
- Roleplaying singleplayer game endings
- Comes from pen and paper games, simulating things that couldn’t be done by the player
o How this has partially changed for modern singleplayer RPGS (lockpicking for example)
- Respeccing
- Customization
Tomorrow i will make a post about leveling, skillpoints and statpoints.