
Min/max and allround

When i play rpgs i tend to go for the consistant damage. I don't want extra critical chance unless i'm allowed to get it up to say 80 percent. I'd prefer to increase ny base damage by some percentage.

Also i enjoy skillbased levelling so i can be allround as opposed to the pseudo min-maxer they have planned out.
Partially this is because i do not enjoy consummables(potions), especially in a consistant world setting and so want som healing.
But no generally the developers balance by giving specific roles. Further they balance by putting limits on how far a skill can be taken.

It would be interesting with a rpg where one could continue to advance in a skill rather than having to replace it after a few levels.

New skills shouldn't entice with being stronger because the earlier ones stopped advancing, they should entice by being special in some way.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be benefits to specializing, especially in a group, but it shouldn't be enforced.

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