
concepts in games: DC Universe Online (DCUO)

I have decided to accompany my posts about the concepts with a sort of review of some games where i use my list of concepts. Today i will look at DC Universe Online.

Single player or multiplayer: Mostly the game is multiplayer but like most MMOs the quests you get while leveling are mostly for a single player. I say mostly because there are some that require the help of other players.

  • Storydriven: There is an overarching story to the game but it does not connect the quests together so i would not call DC Universe Online a storydriven game. The story is more frosting then cake.
  • Affectable story: You cannot affect the in-game world in any way by your choices.
Roleplaying: The game is based on that each character is unique which should support roleplaying.
  • Roleplaying singleplayer game endings: As the game is an MMO it does not have a set ending. Which fits well with the source material since comicbooks don't have a set ending either.
Levels and skills: There are 30 levels for each character to achieve and each level gives either a skillpoint or a statpoint. According to my definition of skillpoints both could be called skilllpoints but the game divides it up so powerpoints let you chose a specific superpower within your powerset (fire, ice, nature, magic, mental, gadgets) such as fireball (for fire heroes).
  • Respeccing: Each powerset can be used as damagedealer (dps) or as one of tank (fire, ice), healer (nature, magic) or controller. This means that by moving skillpoints and powerpoints around a healer, tank or controller can become a damagedealer or the other way around. To be effective in the new role does however require that the character has gear suited for it.
Equipment: The game gives the users the usual MMORPG types of gear such as head, chest, legs, feet, hands, etc.
  • Customization: the players can customize the appearance of their character by choosing appearance for different pieces of gear. This is done by the player unlocking styles for that gearslot which they can then apply at will.

Have i missed anything that should be on the list?
(yes i removed some things from the original list to make the "review" more smooth. the original list was a list of topics for different posts and so those things didnt make it strange even tho they were opposites.)

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